Use Cases
CAPTR's versatile applications span across numerous industries, so extensive that it's impossible to list them all here.
Example Use Cases Real Estate Finance Brokers Superannuation

Finding it hard to
engage your audience?

Enhance communication and foster trust
through seamless, engaging video forms.


Create simple or complex video forms.

In 4 easy steps.

Record/Upload or AI Generate

With CAPTR, effortlessly record, upload, or transform text into captivating AI-generated videos for versatile content creation across industries.

Select Actions

With CAPTR, you can customize your video by selecting actions like adding a web link, soliciting text input, requesting contact details, enabling file uploads, embedding a Stripe module, embed any third party chat platform, or integrating a Calendly widget for interactive audience engagement.

Publish CAPTR Form

When your video form is prepared and set to be presented, click 'publish' and you'll be good to go.


Utilize your CAPTR form in various ways on your website - use it as an overlay widget, as a standalone form, or embed it anywhere within your site. The flexibility and decision-making are entirely up to you.


Integration with any platform is possible through our enterprise solutions. Furthermore, our API or the use of Zapier can facilitate this integration process.


Enhance your video form to maximize its potential, monitor points of blockage, track video viewing duration, and more.

What Our Partners

Are Saying.

Captr is a game changer for the real estate industry.

Scott Holmes - Rea Group

Steve and his team get the job done. Amazing product!

Mehdi Qerim - Solid Foundations

Partnering with Steve and the Captr product has been a great way for us to provide
our clients with an amazing new way to interact with their clients.

Anthony Scoleri - Creativa

Can't wait get started! What an amazing innovation for the mortgage broker industry!

Paul Williams - Mortgage Choice

What form will you create?