Use Cases
CAPTR's versatile applications span across numerous industries, so extensive that it's impossible to list them all here.
Example Use Cases Real Estate Finance Brokers Superannuation




Monthly Subscription

For small business websites, with views < 10,000 per month.


per form
per month

$AUD and inclusive of TAX.

Yearly Subscription

For small business websites, with views < 10,000 per month.


per form
per month

$AUD and inclusive of TAX - Paid yearly and save 20%.

CAPTR Video Form Setup (Optional)

For time/resource poor businesses, that want us to build their entire CAPTR Video Form. Price includes;
* We write your script.
* We build your funnel.
* We edit your video.
* We enhance your audio with AI Enhancement Audio.
* We enhance with video with Virtual Backgrounds.


$AUD and inclusive of TAX.

Digital Marketing Setup (Optional)

We build digital marketing campaigns to drive traffic to your CAPTR video form. Price includes;
* We create your campaigns.
* We create all conversion events with your CAPTR Video Form.
* We create all retargeting events with your CAPTR Video Form.
* We create all digital marketing creative.


$AUD and inclusive of TAX.


For large enterprise websites, with views > 10,000 per month.


$AUD and inclusive of TAX.

Begin establishing a connection with your website's visitors.